Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

We offer countless compelling reasons to make us your top choice for learning Spanish: (i) experienced instructors, (ii) personalized curriculum, (iii) interactive materials, (iv) flexible scheduling, (v) cultural immersion, (vi) tailored feedback, (vii) progress tracking, and (viii) competitive pricing. But above all, there’s one key differentiator – we take your language goals personally. Your success becomes our mission, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your objectives.

The zoom classes are individual lessons, meaning you can choose the schedule that suits your own personal preferences. When you book a class, you will choose the time slot that best suits your schedule from the available spots. After that, in the first class, you will confirm the times of the following classes.

Yes! you can change the class schedule 48 hours in advance

Yes! you can cancel the class 48 hours in advance.

If for any reason you are unable to attend a class, it’s no problem at all. To cancel a class, you only need to email or call us with at least 48 hours of warning during the work week (from Monday to Friday). Emails sent and received during the weekend will count as received on the following Monday.

Each student has the option to take an exam corresponding to the level studied at the end of the course. Upon scoring 60% or more in the exam, you will be awarded a certificate. Your certificate will be sent to your email address and will not be charged separately.

You can email us on to register and begin with your lessons or simply use the web in order to book a subscription of your choice.

A free class is 30 minutes long and covers an abbreviated class. We will focus on your concrete goals and the personalized framework you need from our premium service in order to achieve them in the time orizon you settle.

Please go to main page and click on free class. Remember that there is only one free class per person.

After your free class you will have all the information in order to succeed in your linguistic goals and hopefully you will decide to hire us in order to make sure you achieve them via one of our subscriptions.

We suggest no more than two people take the free class at once.

Limit one per student account.

In order to reschedule a free class please contact us at

We will provide you with the material you might require according to your specific needs. So you will not have the obligation to buy anything outside the subscription.

We tailor each class to the student and their goals so no matter why you want to book our services we will tailor everything so you get the value you are looking for.

You can comment anything during any of the classes. Moreover, you can also send an email to and we will treat the issue accordingly via email or zoom meeting.

You can comment anything during any of the classes. Moreover, you can also send an email to and we will treat the issue accordingly via email or zoom meeting.

You should purchase the monthly subscription that you feel comfortable. We recommend you to purchase the subscription that your coach/professor recommends you as it will depend on your objectives and deadlines.

Subscriptions entitle you to certain classes per week, you should take them in the week they are scheduled. Under certain circumstances it can be taken in the following week althoug we believe it is not a good practise as it might interfere with the scheduled learning path which is extremely tailored to your needs.

If you are not comfortable with the kind of service you are being provided with, during the first class you can express the intention of getting your money back (from the current subscription) and canceling it. Your money will be refunded in less than 25 working days.

Students can start their subscription as soon as two days after payment as those subscriptions will be activated with your first lecture. Subscriptions end automatically after 4 weeks if there is no renovation.